Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am calling on Jack Bauer and CTU to come and save me. I am in desperate need of more time in the day. No matter how many lists (punch list, prayer list, reading list, checklist, grocery list, to do list, and they go on and on...) I never can seem to get everything done I plan on doing.

It is funny though, I never miss an episode of 24. I can have Sarah ready for bed and asleep by 8pm every Monday night, but the other 6 nights I seem a little challenged in this area. OK, I have to admit that I have been in slight mourning thinking about this being the last season of my favorite TV show. But wait, wow, did Jack just give me an extra hour per week. I should be joyous and thankful!!!

Why is it that we think all we need is more time, more money, more help (you get the picture). When all we need is Christ! How easy we forget! God reminds us "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13. Maybe all I need is more reminders... But, it seems to me reminders are not the trick. There are no tricks I just need to walk with God in joyous response to His saving grace given to me by His death and Resurrection. In my baptism Christ came to live in me and because of that I am one of the saints but unfortunately because I am also a sinner I need to be in God's presence (e.g. in His word, in worship of Him, partaking in Sacraments, in prayer to Him). So, in a way yes I am reminded of Him and to walk with Him when I put myself in His presence.

This leads me to think that I can be "reminded" of Him 24 hours a day. Open my eyes and see the miracles around me. My loving, convicted in Christ and committed husband. The daughter who came to us solely through Divine intervention. My parents who have done everything in their power to provide everything I might have needed growing up. I could go on and on with the people in my life who have lifted me up in prayer, cared for me, loved me and who are so important to me. My best friend once told me "Let God work through the people around you to give you support". Such wise words.

This time of year it is so easy to see so many miracles. The trees and flowers blooming and growing. So, I can be reminded of God every moment of every day if only I open my eyes to behold His Glory. God is there, He is everywhere. Will I see? Will I listen? Will I respond?

My prayer today is that my walk becomes a little easier each day. And that when you see me you know that I am living in joyous response to God and all He has done for me 24 hours a day.


  1. Love it Nancy! So thankful for DVR so our 24 experience is not interrupted :)

  2. Just what I needed to hear today as I was running around Lincoln all morning. :) Thanks Nancy!

  3. Beautifully said in the last paragraph especially! I am so thrilled to be your friend!
